the song

the art of songwriting

Is this for you?

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If you think you've already peaked and reached all of your goals then these workshops and masterclasses are definitely NOT for you.

They ARE however, for songwriters with a passion for what they do and a desire to improve.

It doesn't matter if you write lyrics only, or just create your own melodies. Some writers are solely instrumentalists and some do everything but we all have our place in the songwriting community and these workshops and masterclasses will have something for all of you. Not least of all the chance for you to possibly meet a co-writer who matches you perfectly.

The fantastic thing about songwriting is that if you're open you never stop learning. Every writer you collaborate with brings something new to the table. Every conversation you have about songwriting can bring up new ideas and techniques to use when you're writing your next hit. Fashions change, and so does popular music - songwriters need to be one step ahead of the current trend and be ready for, or even create the next one.

My goal is to bring together like-minded songwriters who want to get more from their writing. For one person that may mean simply wanting to be write
better songs. For another it may be honing their craft to a level where major artists and labels will sit up and listen to their songs. Your goal may be to sign a publishing deal.

For me it's the excitement of knowing that one small idea or new twist could be the route to writing the biggest song of my career. I still learn something new from writers who attend my workshops and masterclasses, it never stops, and I believe there's
always room for improvement.

I've worked with some of the most successful songwriters in the world and believe me, they don't always write hits! We all learn from each other. Beautiful!

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“I was on a high for 2 days...”
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